
Latest Highlights

South Central Chapter kicks off in Style in Dallas on October 28, 2023

Sixteen  iisc alumni (13 from DFW and 3 from California)  met on October 28, 2023 morning to kick off the Texas/South Central US Chapter of IIScAANA in style.

Announcement News

South Central Chapter KickOff Oct 28 2023 Breakfast Meet in Pics

Sitting L to R - MLV Prasad, George Brody, Prof Mohan, Sarma Gunturi, Subbarao Gunupudi; Standing L to R Aparna Balasubramanian,

South Central US Chapter is starting up

South Central Chapter is starting up. Stay tuned. To join, send email to

If you are an IISc alumni living in South Central US,



Our alums’ successes and accomplishments, highlighting the skills, experience, and dedication that have contributed to their personal or professional growth.


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