Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Special Interest Groups, aka SIGs, are the group of active volunteers focusing on activities of similar interests. SIG creation is the mechanism to start new activities/initiatives and get new volunteers involved as part of the IISc AANA volunteer program. Some SIGs are active globally whereas others can be chapter-specific.

Currently, the following SIGs are active:


  • Creating web presence of IISc AANA
  • Registering IISc AANA as non-profit
  • Creating chapters in USA and inter linking them
  • Creating communication channels among alums and IIsc
  • Arranging monthly core meeting
  • Broadcasting announcements and circulars


  • Arranging business, entrepreneur talks
  • Arranging talks by IISc faculty visiting North America
  • Business networking, jobs fairs, mentoring, start-ups, ventures, etc.

Cultural & Outdoor

  • Cultural, reunion events
  • Founder’s day celebration
  • Group movies, dinner socials, potlucks, etc.
  • Outdoor activities, picnics, camping, hiking, etc.

Education & Philanthropy

  • Community outreach
  • Rural Education in India
  • Joint research with IISc and US institutions/individuals